The Singapore Autism Space
Welcome to our “Singapore Autism Guidance and Advice” blog. Since 2008, we have been cultivating public awareness of autism in Singapore.
Find resources, tips and advice based on personal experiences of living with autism in Singapore. Through this network, we wish to spread awareness and reach out with our experiences and directions so that we can assist each other in dealing better with the hurdles of autism.
Do you have a lot of troubles as the parent having autism in your child? Maybe you have a family member on the autism spectrum? Whether your are new to autism or it’s old news, we get where you and are here to offer a place of community where at least a fragment of comfort can be found.
It is a safe place for everyone who is looking to cater to their precious one, read more information on inclusive teachings of autism or just simply learning about how we can be different and yet the same time in a community. We also believe that creating a culture of empathy and understanding, we can create a more inclusive society for people with Autism.
Join our Autism community in Singapore and embark on this journey with us. Tell your story, ask a question or share your knowledge because every voice plays an important role in bringing help and support for everyone is touched by autism in Singapore.
If you are new to autism, I invite you to check out the information below to learn more about this complex neurodevelopmental disorder. We can create avenues to break down walls and barriers, throw cold water on myths, and understand the unique gifts of an individual with autism.
1. ASD – Get Started
- Welcome to Singapore Autism Help and Advice!
- What is Autism – A Quick Introduction
- Speak, Share and Advise – You are Not Alone
- Symptom of Autism Part 1
- Symptom of Autism Part 2
- 3 Stages of Autism Journey
2. ASD – Inital Phase
- Is My Child Autistic?
- What are the Latest Available Autism Assessments In the Market?
- Recognizing Hidden Symptoms And When To Do Autism Assessment
- Where to Go for Assessments? 60 Useful Autism Assessment Singapore Providers
- What is next after Assessment?
- Is It Necessary To Send My Child For Therapy?
3. Improvement Phase
- Clinics and Psychologists that offer autistism therapy and treatments
- Government Hospital Vs Private Practices
- More Clinics that offer autistism therapy and treatments
Speech and Language
- Clinics for Speech and Language Therapy – (Part 1)
- Clinics for Speech and Language Therapy – (Part 2)
- Clinics for Speech and Language Therapy – (Part 3)
- Speech and Language Therapy by Singapore Hospital
- Tuition for ASD on Reading – Part 1
- Occupational/Physio Therapy in Singapore
- Occupation Therapy: Where to Get Help? (Part 1)
- Occupation Therapy: Where to Get Help? (Part 2)
- Occupation Therapy: Where to Get Help? (Part 3)
Social Skills
- What is Social and Life Skill Therapy?
- Social Skills: Where to Get Help in Singapore (Part 1)
- Social Skills: Where to Get Help in Singapore (Part 2)
4. ASD Schooling Phase
- School places for autistic kids in Singapore
- Government Plan for Mainstream schools with special-needs officers
- Autism-Specific School in Singapore
- SPED: special education schools
- Primary Schools with SNO for Autism
- Secondary Schools with SNO for Autism
- Back to School 2009
- A Great Start To Your Child School Life
- School Holidays and School Terms 2009
- 9 Ways To Help Your Child Adjusting To Schooling Life
- Coping With Morning Rush
- Suggestion to Ministry of Education (MOE)
5. Singapore News on Autism
- New School Bus Rules
- Singapore President Charity Show
- How do you celebrate National Day?
- What are some of the Government Funding Available?
- Revamp of Primary School Systems
6. Autism Research and News Worldwide
- Rational Vs Intuition
- 200 Babies Hold Key to Early Diagnostic Test
- Do you resemble your child in certain ways?
- If Autism is genetic, what are the options?
- Further Research on Gluten and Milk Proteins
- MMR Vaccine not linked to autism?
- Links between Older parents and Autism
- Link Between Nicotine Addiction And Autism
- Epilepsy Drug (Valproate) May Increase Risk Of Autism In Children
- Autism kids Take Longer To Process Sounds
- Testosterone Levels Linked To Autistic Traits
- More Children With Autism Than Reported
- Pregnancy Connections With Autism and Schizophrenia
- No Link Between MMR and Autism
- Lack of Specific Gene and Autism
7. Tips and Goodies
8. Recommendations
- Book Recommended: 1001 Great Ideas for Teaching and Raising Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders
- Book Recommended: A Cup of Comfort for Parents of Children with Autism
9. Courses
- Jan-09: Hanen, More Than Words
- Jan-09: Fundamental of Autism
- Feb-09: Toilet Training
- Feb-09: Behaviour Management
- Feb-09: Higher Certificate in Autism
- Feb-09: Workshop On Sensory Integration
- Mar-09: Fundamental in Autism (Chinese)
- Mar-09: Managing Exam Anxiety (Pri/Sec Students)
- Mar-09: Communication for Older Non-Verbal Children
- Mar-09: Communication for Older Non-Verbal Children
- Apr-09: Fundamental of Autism (2nd Run)