So how many are suffering from autism in Singapore? I could not find the exact statistics but according to ARC a few years back, some 24,000 out of 4 millions are affected in Singapore (Source: Autism Resource Centre). However, I would expect the figures of undetected and unreported to be higher than that!
Do you know that Autism is the fastest growing developmental disability in U.S. afecting 1 in 110 (some even said 1 in 91) children? Do you know that every 20 minutes, a child is diagnosed with and autism spectrum disorder? Yes, the figure is scaring and the situation is not going to be improving too much and too soon.
Common Myths & Misconceptions About Autism
For this year, if you are new to Autism, to raise awareness I just want you to be aware of some of the common myths about autism and spread the words around:
Autism is a disease
Autism can be outgrown
Autism is caused by bad parenting
Autistics have limited potentials
Autism is an emotional disability
An autistic child is a genius
Autistic children like to be alone
See here for a list of activities worldwide.
For more information on world autism awareness day, please visit:
You Can Raise Awareness Too!
The prevalence of autism will continue to rise and there is a need to raise awareness in Singapore as well as worldwide. Let’s do our small part to raise awareness and help these children and our future.
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