Clinics for Speech and Language Therapy – 1

[Last Updated: 13-Oct-08]

Here are some compiled list of Speech ang Langauage Therapy in private practice in Singapore:

1. Bridges in Communication
37a Kumpong Bahru Road
Singapore 169356
Tel: 6323-6549
Contact: Catherine Pownall & Mary Yong
Fax: 6323-4714
Comments: Specialise in language delay/disorder, cleft palate/craniofacial anomalies, preschool stuttering, and autism spectrum disorders.

(Moved and Expanded)
207 Balestier Road
Balestier Towers
(Office Lobby)
Singapore 3296683
Tel: 6256 5342
Contact: Kim Nicolson & Suvi Pikola
Fax: 6256 1782
12 Prince Edward Road
#03-04 Podium A Bestway Bldg
Tel: 62237876
Comments: Individual and group therapy – articulation, communication delay/disorders in English and Mandarin, speech/language support for school performance, social communication skills training, stuttering/stammering, autism, early intervention for infants, hearing impairment. They also developed an exceptional fun child educational toy specifically for children to learn English sentence structure.

Let's Talk About It

4. Speech Focus
268 Orchard Road #13-01A
Singapore 238856
Tel: 6738-1887
Contact: Tan Khong Khong
Fax: 6385-4258

5. Speech Language Practice
72 Namly Place
Singapore 267220
Tel: 6466-3635
Contact: Karen Ong
Fax: 64665067
Comments: Paediatric speech (articulation /phonology) and language delay/disorder, specific language impairment, autism spectrum disorder.

6. SpeechLinx
04A Neil Road
Singapore 088844
Tel: 6222-5503
Mobile: 9029-7360
Contact: Anna S Kattapuram

See more Clinics for Speech and Language Therapy – 2
See also Clinics for Speech and Language Therapy – Listing 3

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