Course: Foundations of Successful Behaviour Management

Course: Foundations of Successful Behaviour Management (Focus: Pre-School/Pri/Sec/SPED)

Do you need to handle children with some behavioral challenges?  Individuals with an Autism Spectrum Disorder or autism may present with behaviours which parents/caregivers and professionals find difficult and challenging to manage. In many situations, understanding the cause(s) of these behaviours will not only provide the answers to successful management but may also prevent them from occurring in the first place.


Date: 3 Feb 10 (Wednesday)  
Time: 6.00 pm – 9.00 pm
Venue: Pathlight School
Pre-Requisite: None but useful for participants to have attended the Fundamentals of Autism workshop.


Teacher in Classroom Full of Students

Target Audience
For the following who are caring for  young children (pre-school, primary, secondary or in special education schools) with an Autism Spectrum Disorder:
wh58  Parents/Caregivers
wh58  Teachers/Educators
wh58  Therapists and Professionals


Course Description

This workshop will focus on key issues in supporting individuals with autism in the area of behaviour management.

During this workshop, participants will be given the knowledge to help them understand challenging and difficult behaviours in individuals with autism. Participants will be presented with common causes for challenging and difficult behaviours. An emphasis will be placed on learning practical tips and strategies to prevent and manage challenging behaviours.


Objectives of The Course

Upon completion of the training workshop, participants will be able to:

blueTick understand some common reasons that bring about difficult and challenging behaviours in individuals with autism

learn practical tips which can be used to prevent these behaviours from happening

blueTick apply practical strategies to manage the behaviours when they arise know when to seek professional help to manage certain types of behaviour


Registration Details
Dr Lam Chee Meng, Autism Consultant
Fees S$69.55 per participant (inclusive of GST, handout materials and refreshments)

(Click here for Caregiver Training Grant (CTG) Application Form)

Contact: Lina Kam, Training Co-ordinator
(+65) 6323-3258


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