Course: Overview of Autism Intervention Approaches – EIP/SPED

Course: Overview of Autism Intervention Approaches – EIP/SPED

It is widely acknowledged that early intervention is the key to effective and successful support for the child with an Autism Spectrum Disorder or autism. Nowadays, parents/caregivers and professionals are spoilt for choice by the dizzying array of intervention approaches and programmes. The critical question is: which intervention approach / programme is best for your child?


Date: 27 Jan 10 (Wednesday) 
Time: 6.00 pm – 9.00 pm
Venue: Pathlight School
Pre-Requisite: None but useful for participants to have attended the Fundamentals of Autism workshop.


Teacher in Classroom Full of Students

Target Audience
For the following who are caring for  young children (pre-school or in special education schools) with an Autism Spectrum Disorder:
blueTick  Parents/Caregivers
blueTick  Teachers/Educators
blueTick  Therapists and Professionals


Course Description

This workshop aims to empower participants with the information and knowledge of the different available approaches / programmes, including the strengths and limitations of each approach / programme.

Participants in this workshop will be exposed to an overview of the theory and practice of the major intervention approaches / programmes in the field of autism, including research knowledge of these approaches / programmes.
Participants will also learn to evaluate the suitability and appropriateness of these approaches / programmes so as to make an informed choice on the most appropriate intervention approach / programme that is best suited for their child with autism.

The workshop will also encourage the participants’ self-reflection on how the information can be applied to their own child and how the knowledge presented can be utilised to help make informed choices.


Objectives of The Course

Upon completion of the training workshop, participants will be able to:

wh70 have a fundamental understanding of the different approaches / programmes for early intervention for their young child with autism

make a comparison of the different approaches / programmes taking into consideration the pros and cons as well as the strengths andlimitations of each approach / programme

wh70 evaluate the different approaches and programmes based their child’s needs and what is best for their child


Registration Details
Ms Wong Yeok Lin, Autism Consultant
Fees S$69.55 per participant (inclusive of GST, handout materials and refreshments)

(Click here for Caregiver Training Grant (CTG) Application Form)

Contact: Lina Kam, Training Co-ordinator
(+65) 6323-3258/9



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