Happy New Year 2009 – Best Wishes to You!

Happy New Year to You and Your Family

Happy New Year, Children at Window

Time flies! That is the first thoughts and comments for many people when they are asked about their feelings about  Year 2008 coming to its closing. 
Yep, that is what comes to my mind too!     I could still vaguely remember the night of  New Year eve 2007 when I did countdown for 2008 and now it is almost time for another countdown.    Times really flies!

For many people, New Year eve is a time for reflection, the time to recall the events of the year.   There are definitely many BIG World events in 2008 that may cross your mind when you recall 2008.   There are the China ShiChuan Earthquake, Beijing Olympics, the “blackheart” Milk powder, the Singapore F1 race, the US election, the Mumbai terrorists attacks and the economic meltdown, just to name a few.    I am sure you have your own BIG events in 2008.

My personal events?  

One of the personal events that connects me to you is the setting up of this Blog.   During June this year, I decided to invest some of my time to raise the awareness of Autism ASD in Singapore as you would agree that is quite lacking of.    Although it was initially aimed to benefit the readers, during the process of building this site, I have personally built up more awareness and knowledge relating to ASD.   It is also through this BLOG that you and I are somehow connected to fight the many challenges of ASD.  
During this year, I have also challenged my own personal health limits by completing the quarter-marathon and then the 21km marathon. 
How about your event?

How about My Resolutions?

Definitely, I will continue to find articles and information relating to ASD to share in this BLOG  with you and also to upgrade my own knowledge.     I wish to overcome some of the “bad-habits” such as lack of exercises and time management.   I will also spend more time and efforts in helping my son to tackle the different challenges of his schooling and personal life.
How about your resolutions?

2009 New Year Wishes for You

For 2009, may I wish that you get better understanding of your child’s needs and equipped yourself with better knowledge to help your child even further and faster.    Wish you and your Family, a warm-hearted New Year Eve and best wishes to you for YEAR 2009.

Happy New Year, Gold Letters on Blue


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