Bathing Procedures in Cartoon
It may seem strange to some why do we need to teach our children how to bath. The fact is, for children with autism and without, many will need to be guided and taught the correct procedures so that they could uphold their personal hygiene. This is also the basic living skills that they should learn when they are young.
With the help of my son (who draw the cute little illustrations) and my wife (who edited the caption), here is a simple but useful guide for your little ones.
Step 1: Pass urine before bath
Step 2: Take off the clothes
Step 3: Wet the hair before shampoo
Step 4: Apply Shampoo and rub the scalp
Step 6: Wash away the shampoo
Step 7: Apply soap or bath cream
Step 7: Rub all over the body
Step 8: Wash away the soap
Step 9 : Rub everywhere to clean away the dirt
Step 10: Dry yourself with towel
How to Use This?
You could print this out in a full page. To do that, go to our forum under the “For Members Only” section, look for “Bathing Instructions in Cartoon” and download it.
Once downloaded, you could print and hang a copy of this in the bathroom, ask your child to follow the step by step instruction by himself/herself after doing with him/her a few times. This guide will help to remind him of the correct procedures.
Hope you enjoy this!