Top 3 Symptoms Of Autism You Can Look Out For

symptoms of autism
symptoms of autism

Does My Child Have Autism? Symptoms of Autism (Part 1)

Symptoms of autism

Many parents are concerned about determining whether their child has autism, especially when they notice developmental delays or atypical behaviors in their children. Recognizing the signs of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) early on can be pivotal for a child’s development. This article aims to delineate the primary symptoms of autism, categorizing them into “core” and “supporting” symptoms, to provide a clearer understanding for parents and caregivers. Here, we will delve into the core symptoms that are often indicative of ASD in children.

Autism encompasses a broad spectrum, with conditions ranging from mild to severe. Early detection of autism’s signs is crucial as it enables timely intervention, providing children with the necessary support and resources to thrive.

Core Symptoms of Autism

Children diagnosed with ASD typically exhibit challenges in several key areas:

1. Communication Skills (Both Verbal and Nonverbal)

  • A noticeable delay in speech development, with some children remaining non-verbal.
  • Difficulties in starting conversations and maintaining them.
  • Engaging in repetitive speech or echolalia, such as echoing phrases or dialogues from movies.
  • Challenges in grasping abstract concepts like humor, sarcasm, or the implied meanings in conversations.

2. Restricted Interests and Repetitive Behaviors

  • An intense focus on specific objects or parts of objects, overlooking the intended play purpose of the whole toy.
  • Fascinations with certain subjects or activities that may seem unusual or overly specific.
  • A strong adherence to routines and a marked difficulty with change or transitions.
  • Repetitive physical movements, e.g., rocking, spinning, or flapping hands.

3. Social Interaction and Relationship Building

  • Difficulties with nonverbal communicative cues such as eye contact, facial expressions, and body language.
  • Delays in developing motor skills, affecting physical coordination.
  • Trouble forming and maintaining friendships with peers.
  • Lack of interest in sharing experiences or achievements with others.
  • Challenges in understanding and relating to other people’s emotions and viewpoints, which might come off as indifference or self-centeredness.
  • Need for explicit teaching of everyday life skills and social norms, which might not be instinctively picked up.

It’s imperative to understand that ASD manifests differently in each individual. While some children may exhibit a wide array of these core symptoms, others might show only a handful. The variability in symptom presentation underscores the spectrum nature of autism.

Early intervention is paramount for children with ASD. It equips them with essential life skills and aids in their overall development. Should you notice any of the mentioned signs in your child, seeking a professional evaluation from a healthcare provider or an autism specialist is a critical step.

You’re not navigating this path alone. Through increased awareness and a supportive community, we can build a more inclusive environment for individuals with autism and their families, championing their growth and integration into society.


  1. Yuen

    Key point is that autism is a spectrum and they shared parts of commonly believed autistic behaviours :

    I found a good summary of what is austism:

    Autistic children share three key traits: they’re slow to develop language, they are poor at social interactions, and they repeat stereotyped behavior over and over. But that’s where the similarities end; some forms of autism are subtle, whereas others devastate every aspect of functioning.

  2. Anonymous

    should we stop an autistic child from doing certain thngs like playing with the lift or doors ( opening n closing). what can we do to distract them? thanks..

  3. Anonymous

    should we punish an autistic child if they cant stop doing thee actions? i am worried cos nothing seems to interest them.

  4. One of the characteristic of autism is doing things repeatedly for things that they like to do. This could be a nuisance if there are also other person around in the lift and also when the child grow up. You can try to distract him by directing his attention to the changing number of the floor in the display and asking him to read those numbers. In this way, you distract him as well as teach him counting at the same time.

  5. You know your child best and it is hard to advise a “correct” answer for this. An autistic person see the world quite differently from the rest of us. What we perceived as “wrong” might be considered “right” for them. Try to see if you could dig out more information about why he is doing certain things and what is his feeling of doing that thing.

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