Book Recommended: A Cup of Comfort for Parents of Children with Autism

Title: A Cup of Comfort for Parents of Children with Autism
Author: Sell, Colleen
Publication Date: Feb-2007
ISBN: 1593376839

Benefits: Inspirational, Motivational, Learn from other families

A Cup of Comfort for Parents of Children with Autism is a collection of inspiring true stories that relates the strength, love, and devotion families like yours draw on daily. These heartwarming tales will connect you to other devoted and courageous parents, while giving light to your blessing-your child.
There are several compilation books about living with a child with autism, but this is one of the most honest, inspiring, joy provoking book that I could relate to after reading it.  The stories in the compilation are real-life, familiar stories that you could nod your head along.  It inspires me after reading it and soothe me for knowing many families actually shared the same experiences and have overcame it.

You will share the power of a family’s love with parents such as:

  • A mother describes her journey from trying to fix her sons behavioral oddities to being the one person he could count on to love him exactly as he is.

  • A father fondly remembers learning to play baseball with his dad, but recounts the terror he felt when his wife signed up their autistic son for little league. Ultimately his fears were replaced by admiration for his son tenacity and courage.

  • A mother recalls her son Jack frantic insistence on bringing the toilet plunger with them on their daily stroll. Then it all becomes clear that Jack wanted to use one to help his mother up the steep hills during their routine walk.

  • Karen who fears that her son with autism will be labeled “the Weird Kid,” but instead watches as his peers accept him on the field and in the classroom

  • Kathryn, a divorcée who must explain to her teen with autism the abstract concept of love when his father decides to remarry

This is more than a sweet collection of stories. It a slice of life in every home where children with developmental challenges reign. And it a little piece of heart you can carry with you.

It’s tough being a parent. But Cup of Comfort for Parents of Children with Autism: Stories of Hope and Everyday Success (Cup of Comfort) lets you know that you are not facing this challenge alone.


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