The Masgutova Method – MNRI

The Masgutova Method – MNRI
Close-up of a Young Woman Getting a Back Massage
I have agreed earlier on to find out something about Masgutova and managed to gather some information on this relatively new therapy method to share with you.  


The Masgutova Method of MNRI (Neuro-sensory-motor Reflex Integration) is a holistic mehtods and techniques developed from the research of Dr Sveltana Masgutova. It is based on unique training directed toward the restoration of neurodevelopment and the integration of primary movements, reflexes and coordination systems.  It aims to stimulate the reflex patterns in order to awaken natural, genetic motor resources, self-regenerating strength of motor memory and sensory-motor coherence.  This method hopes to achieve the fulfillment of all potentials within movement abilities and learning skills.

The MNRI method offer new hope and  new possibilities for childrena and adults as an alternative to other therapy method especially if all other methods failed.  The method is said to have some successful cases for mild to severe movement and learning disabiilities.  It also had success in managing stress and improving school success in many children worldwide.

The method aims  to give children and adults reliable knowledge and safe tools for the use of natural, genetic motor resources to facilitate successful neuro-sensory-motor development and joyful learning.   

For Who?

MNRI is designed to help children and adults with challenges of:

  • Motor Development Deficit
  • Emotional instability
  • Cerebral Palsy
  • Learning disabilities, deep dyslexia
  • Intellectual Delay
  • Speech and language development
  • Others


There is a MNRI camp in last december 2008 and there are a few practitioners in Singapore as well.    Som parents have been trained to administer this to their family members as well. 

Who has tried this out before? Please comments and share whether does it help.


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